PHP – Html Transfer Code_PHP教程

php教程评论872 views阅读模式

PHP - Html Transfer Code 超文本转换码,市面上这东西已经很滥(多)了,不过是这几天自己实践了一下~~~~

支持 多重嵌套 和 同标签嵌套,混合高亮显示(还有一点小问题)



* *

* Name : Functions 4 Html Transfer Code (HTC) *

* Version : 1.3.2 *

* Author : Windy_sk *

* Create : 2003-09-03 *

* Modified: 2003-12-17 *

* Email : *

* HomePage: None (Maybe Soon) *

* Notice : U Can Use & Modify it freely, *


* *


$htc_list = array(

"B" => "

"I" => "

"U" => "

"CENTER" => " \\1 \n",

"URL" => "\\1",

"EMAIL" => "\\1",

"IMAGE" => "


"DOWNLOAD" => "exec:get_dl_html('\\1')",

"LIST" => "exec:get_list_html('\\1')",

"QUOTE" => "



"IFRAME" => "


"MOVE" => " \\1 \n",

"GLOW" => "



"SHADOW" => "






"GBMUSIC" => " \n",

"MUSIC" => "

Download The Music


"FLASH" => "





Download The Movie



Download The Movie



Download The Movie


"VOTE" => "exec:get_vote_html('\\1')",


$htc_list_att = array(

"ALIGN" => " \\2 \n",

"URL" => "\\2",

"EMAIL" => "\\2",

"IMAGE" => "





"DOWNLOAD" => "exec:get_dl_html('\\1', '\\2')",

"LIST" => "exec:get_list_html('\\2','\\1')",

"ATTACH" => "exec:get_attach_html('\\2', '\\1')",

"VOTE" => "exec:get_vote_html('\\1','\\2')",


$htc_list_spl = array(

"PHP" => "exec:get_highlight_html('\\1', 'php')",

"CSS" => "exec:get_highlight_html('\\1', 'css')",

"HTML" => "exec:get_highlight_html('\\1', 'html')",

"SCRIPT" => "exec:get_highlight_html('\\1', 'script')",

"CODE" => "exec:get_code_html('\\1')",

"EXECUTE" => "\\1",


function get_highlight_html($str, $type = "php") {

$type = strtolower($type);

$type_func = $type."_highlight";

$type = strtoupper($type);

$result = "

"; if(!function_exists($type_func)) $type_func = "php_highlight"; $result .= "

高亮显示 {$type} 代码:




return $result;


function php_highlight($str) {

$str = str_replace("\\\"","\"",$str);

return highlight_string($str, true);


function css_highlight($str, $nl = true) {

$color_1 = "red";

$color_2 = "green";

$color_3 = "blue";

$str = str_replace("\\\"","\"",$str);

$str = str_replace("\r", "", $str);

preg_match_all("/[\\\*\.\w#: ]+\{[^\{\}]+\}/", $str, $arr_css);

$arr_css = $arr_css[0];

for($i=0; $i $head = preg_replace("/([\\\*\.\w#: ]+\{)[^\{\}]+\}/", "

\n":""), $arr_css[$i]);

$unit = preg_replace("/[\\\*\.\w#: ]+\{([^\{\}]+)\}/", "\\1", $arr_css[$i]);

$unit_list = preg_split("/;\s*/", $unit);

$unit = "\n";

for($j=0; $j if(strlen($unit_list[$j])>0)

$unit .= " " . preg_replace("/\s*([\w\-]+)\s*:\s*(.*)/e", "'
\\1 :
'.htmlspecialchars('\\2').' ; '", $unit_list[$j]) . ($nl?"



$arr_css[$i] = $head . $unit . "


return join(($nl?"\n

\n":"\n\n"), $arr_css);


function script_highlight_note($str, $mode = true) {

$color_note = "gray";

$str = str_replace("\\\"","\"",$str);

$str = preg_replace("/
(.*)<\/font>/isU", "\\1", $str);
$str = $mode?"/*{$str}*/":"//{$str}";
return "{$str}";

function script_highlight($str, $nl = true) {
$color_1 = "red";
$color_2 = "blue";
$color_3 = "brown";
$color_4 = "green";
$str = str_replace("\\\"","\"",$str);
$str = htmlspecialchars($str);
$str = str_replace("=","&equal;",$str);
$str = str_replace("|","&vertical;",$str);
$keywords = array(
"{$color_1}" => array("null", "true", "false", "NaN"),
"{$color_2}" => array("var", "for", "if", "else", "switch", "case", "function", "loop", "continue", "break", "<", ">", "!&equal;", "&equal;&equal;", "&equal;", "&&", "&vertical;&vertical;"),
"{$color_3}" => array("window", "self", "this", "event", "document", "opener", "Navigator", "Math", "Array", "String", "Object", "Function", "Number"),
foreach($keywords as $key => $value) {
for($i=0; $i $str = preg_replace("/(\W)(".$value[$i].")(\W)/", "\\1 \\2\\3", $str);
$str = preg_replace("/(\.|\s)([a-z]+)\(/i" ,"\\1 \\2(", $str);
$str = preg_replace("/\.(\w+)(?!\()/i" ,". \\1", $str);
$str = preg_replace("/\/\/([^\n]*)\n/e" ,"script_highlight_note('\\1', false)", $str);
$str = preg_replace("/\/\*(.*?)\*\//es" ,"script_highlight_note('\\1')", $str);
$str = str_replace("\t", " ", $str);
$str = str_replace("&equal;","=",$str);
$str = str_replace("&vertical;","|",$str);
return $nl?nl2br($str):$str;

function html_highlight_attr($att) {
$color_1 = "red";
$color_2 = "brown";
$color_3 = "black";
$att = str_replace("\\\"","\"",$att);
$att = preg_replace("/=\s*('|\")([^'\"]+)\\1/eU","'=\\1'.preg_replace('/\s+/','|:s:|','\\2').'\\1'",$att);
$att = str_replace("\\\"","\"",$att);
$att .= " ";
preg_match_all("/[a-z:\/\-]+(=(['\"]?).*[^\\\\]{1}\\2?)?\s+/iU", $att, $att_list);
$att_list = $att_list[0];
for($i=0; $i if(empty($att_list[$i])) continue;
$att_list[$i] = trim($att_list[$i]);
$att_list[$i] = preg_replace("/([^=]+)([=]?)(['\"]?)(.*)(\\3)/", " \\1 \\2 \\3\\4 \\3", $att_list[$i]);
return str_replace("|:s:|", " ", join(" ", $att_list));

function html_highlight($str) {
$color_1 = "red";
$color_2 = "blue";
$color_3 = "gray";
$str = str_replace("\\\"","\"",$str);
preg_match_all("/ ]*)>(.*)<\/script>/isU", $str, $arr_tmp);
$arr_script = $arr_tmp[0];
for($i=0; $i $str = str_replace($arr_script[$i], "
", $str);
$arr_script[$i] = preg_replace("/ ]*)>(.*)<\/script>/iseU", "' '", $arr_script[$i]);
$str = preg_replace("/( ]*>)(.*)(<\/textarea>)/ieU" ,"'\\1'.htmlspecialchars('\\2').'\\3'", $str);
$str = preg_replace("/ /seU" ,"' '", $str);
$str = preg_replace("/ ]*)>(.*)<\/style>/isU" ," \\2", $str);
$str = preg_replace("/<([a-z:]+)\s*(.*?)( \/|\/)?>/ise" ,"' <\\1 '.html_highlight_attr('\\2').'\\3> '", $str);
$str = preg_replace("/<(\/[a-z:]+)>/i" ,"<\\1>", $str);
$str = preg_replace("/<(!\-\-.*\-\-)>/sU" ,"<\\1>", $str);
$str = preg_replace("/ ]*)>(.*)<\/style!>/iseU" ,"''", $str);
for($i=0; $i $str = str_replace("
", $arr_script[$i], $str);
$str = str_replace(" ", "
", $str);
$str = str_replace(" ", "", $str);
$str = str_replace(" >", ">", $str);
$str = str_replace(" "," ",$str);
$str = str_replace("\t"," ",$str);
return nl2br($str);

function get_file_pic($filename) {
global $root_path;
$ext = str_replace(".","",strrchr($filename,"."));
$pic = $root_path."images/mime_type/{$ext}.gif";
return file_exists($pic)?"$pic":$root_path."images/mime_type/attch.gif";

function get_dl_html($filename, $str = "") {
return " PHP – Html Transfer Code_PHP教程 ".(empty($str)?basename($filename):$str)."";

function get_attach_html($filename, $id) {
return " PHP – Html Transfer Code_PHP教程 $filename";

function get_vote_html($vote_idx, $message = ""){
global $db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name;
$db = new DB_Manager($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass);
$db->Query("select * from mnms_poll where id=".$vote_idx);
$record = $db->GetRS();
$str = "";
if($record) {
$username = "dummy";
$if_vote = !(strpos($record[vote_user], "|{$username}|")===false)
strpos($record[vote_user], "|".GetIp()."|");
$str .= "


$str .= "

"; $vote_list = split("::",$record[vote_list]); $vote_count = split("::",$record[vote_count]); $vote_users = count(split("\n", $record[vote_user])) - 1; $vote_sum = array_sum($vote_count); $str .= "

"; if($vote_sum==0) $vote_sum = 1; for($i=0; $i

\n"; } $str .= "

"; $str .= "

目前共有 {$vote_users} 人参与了本投票
".($if_vote?"► ":"").htmlspecialchars($vote_list[$i])." 占总票数的 ".ceil((int)$vote_count[$i]*100/$vote_sum)."%
".($if_vote?"您已经投过票了!":" ")."

return $str;

function get_code_html($str) {
$str = str_replace("\\\"","\"",$str);
return "




function get_list_html($content, $type = "") {
$content = preg_replace("/(
)?[\r\n]+/", "\n", $content);
$content = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", "\n", $content);
$content = preg_replace("/^[\n]*(.*)[\n]*$/m", "\\1", $content);
$content = str_replace("\n", "

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月24日 11:08:50
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:
