Hibernate ORM 4.3.0.Beta5 发布

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Hibernate ORM 4.3.0.Beta5 发布,该版本对 JPA 2.1 的支持越来越完善了,包括:

  • HHH-8478 - which should complete AttributeConverter support.
  • HHH-8445 - which adds support for REF_CURSOR parameters and should complete StoredProcedureQuery support.
  • HHH-8276 - which was the major prerequisite step for entity graph support. You'll be using that anytime you load entities directly or by to-one association.
  • HHH-8523 - which improves support for parameters and returns using an explicit TemporalType and defined as Calendar

  • 本文由 发表于 2019年9月5日 00:29:23
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://www.qieseo.com/281408.html
