RichFaces 4.2.2.Final 发布

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RichFaces 4.2.2.Final 发布了,这是 4.2 的第二个维护版本,更好的与 JBoss AS 7.1.2 对齐,同时包含一些 bug 修复。


  • [RF-10839] - tooltip: attachment using target not works if tooltip defined before the component to which it attaches.
  • [RF-11370] - rich:toolTip: targetted example causes NPE for some IDs
  • [RF-12198] - rich:tooltip does not work inside a4j:commandButton
  • [RF-12199] - rich:tooltip does not work inside h:graphicImage
  • [RF-11994] - Xcss2EcssConverter error handling f:importResource
  • [RF-12010] - ecss hot reloading
  • rich:dataTable and rich:extendedDataTable
  • validation and messages
  • dependency updates, matching changes in the upcoming JBoss AS 7.1.2 release

下一个版本将是 4.3.0.M1

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年6月25日 20:34:06
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