全文搜索Apache Solr v6.0.1发布下载

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全文搜索Apache Solr v6.0.1发布下载,Solr是一个拥有象WebService一样接口的独立运行的搜索服务器。你将能够通过HTTP协议以XML格式将文档放入搜索服务器(这个过程叫做索引),你能够通过HTTP协议的GET来查询搜索服务器并且得到XML格式的结果。Solr的特性包括:

  • 高级的全文搜索功能
  • 专为高通量的网络流量进行的优化
  • 基于开放接口(XML和HTTP)的标准
  • 综合的HTML管理界面
  • 可伸缩性-能够有效地复制到另外一个Solr搜索服务器
  • 使用XML配置达到灵活性和适配性
  • 可扩展的插件体系

全文搜索Apache Solr v6.0.1发布下载 


  • Upgrade Notes   (1)
    1. If you use historical dates, specifically on or before the year 1582, you should re-index.
  • Bug Fixes   (24)
    1. SOLR-8914: ZkStateReader's refreshLiveNodes(Watcher) is not thread safe. 
      (Scott Blum, hoss, sarowe, Erick Erickson, Mark Miller, shalin)
    2. SOLR-9016: Fix SolrIdentifierValidator to not allow empty identifiers. 
      (Shai Erera)
    3. SOLR-8992: Restore Schema API GET method functionality removed in 6.0 
      (noble, Steve Rowe)
    4. SOLR-9080, SOLR-9085: (6.0 bug) For years <= 1582, date math (round,add,sub) introduced error. Range faceting on such dates was also affected. With this fixed, this is the first release range faceting works on BC years. 
      (David Smiley)
    5. SOLR-8857: HdfsUpdateLog does not use configured or new default number of version buckets and is hard coded to 256. 
      (Mark Miller, yonik, Gregory Chanan)
    6. SOLR-8902: Make sure ReturnFields only returns the requested fields from (fl=) evn when DocumentTransformers ask for getExtraRequestFields() 
    7. SOLR-8875: SolrCloud Overseer clusterState could unexpectedly be null resulting in NPE. 
      (Scott Blum via David Smiley)
    8. SOLR-8946: bin/post failed to detect stdin usage on Ubuntu; maybe other unixes. 
      (David Smiley)
    9. SOLR-9004: Fix "name" field type definition in films example. 
      (Alexandre Rafalovitch via Varun Thacker)
    10. SOLR-8990: Fix top term links from schema browser page to use {!term} parser 
    11. SOLR-8971: Preserve root cause when wrapping exceptions 
    12. SOLR-9034: Atomic updates failed to work when there were copyField targets that had docValues enabled. 
      (Karthik Ramachandran, Ishan Chattopadhyaya, yonik)
    13. SOLR-9028: Fixed some test related bugs preventing SSL + ClientAuth from ever being tested 
    14. SOLR-9059: NPE in SolrClientCache following collection reload 
      (Joel Bernstein, Ryan Yacyshyn)
    15. SOLR-8792: ZooKeeper ACL support fixed. 
      (Esther Quansah, Ishan Chattopadhyaya, Steve Rowe)
    16. SOLR-9030: The 'downnode' overseer command can trip asserts in ZkStateWriter. 
      (Scott Blum, Mark Miller, shalin)
    17. SOLR-9036: Solr slave is doing full replication (entire index) of index after master restart. 
      (Lior Sapir, Mark Miller, shalin)
    18. SOLR-9058: Makes HashJoinStream and OuterHashJoinStream support different field names in the incoming streams, eg. fieldA=fieldB. 
      (Dennis Gove, Stephan Osthold)
    19. SOLR-9093: Fix NullPointerException in TopGroupsShardResponseProcessor. 
      (Christine Poerschke)
    20. SOLR-9118: HashQParserPlugin should trim partition keys 
      (Joel Bernstein)
    21. SOLR-9117: The first SolrCore is leaked after reload. 
      (Jessica Cheng Mallet via shalin)
    22. SOLR-9116: Race condition causing occasional SolrIndexSearcher leak when SolrCore is reloaded. 
      (Jessica Cheng Mallet via shalin)
    23. SOLR-8801: /bin/solr create script always returns exit code 0 when a collection/core already exists. 
      (Khalid Alharbi, Marius Grama via Steve Rowe)
    24. SOLR-9134: Fix RestManager.addManagedResource return value. 
      (Christine Poerschke)
  • Other Changes   (7)
    1. SOLR-7516: Improve javadocs for JavaBinCodec, ObjectResolver and enforce the single-usage policy. 
      (Jason Gerlowski, Benoit Vanalderweireldt, shalin)
    2. SOLR-8967: In SolrCloud mode, under the 'Core Selector' dropdown in the UI the Replication tab won't be displayed anymore. The Replication tab is only beneficial to users running Solr in master-slave mode. 
      (Varun Thacker)
    3. SOLR-8985: Added back support for 'includeDynamic' flag to /schema/fields endpoint 
    4. SOLR-9131: Fix "start solr" text in cluster.vm Velocity template 
    5. SOLR-9053: Upgrade commons-fileupload to 1.3.1, fixing a potential vulnerability 
      (Jeff Field, Mike Drob via janhoy)
    6. SOLR-9115: Get rid of javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter in SimplePostTool for Java 9 compatibility. 
      (Uwe Schindler)
    7. SOLR-5776,SOLR-9068,SOLR-8970:
      • Refactor SSLConfig so that SSLTestConfig can provide SSLContexts using a NullSecureRandom to prevent SSL tests from blocking on entropy starved machines.
      • SSLTestConfig: Alternate (psuedo random) NullSecureRandom for Constants.SUN_OS.
      • SSLTestConfig: Replace NullSecureRandom w/ NotSecurePsuedoRandom.
      • Change SSLTestConfig to use a keystore file that is included as a resource in the test-framework jar so users subclassing SolrTestCaseJ4 don't need to preserve magic paths.



  • Source code (zip)
  • Source code (tar.gz)
  • 官方下载


Solr3.6.1 在Tomcat6下的环境搭建 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-01/77664.htm

基于Tomcat的Solr3.5集群部署 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-12/75297.htm

在Linux上使用Nginx为Solr集群做负载均衡 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-12/75257.htm

Linux下安装使用Solr http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-10/72029.htm

在 Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 上通过 Tomcat 部署 Solr 4 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-09/71158.htm

Solr实现Low Level查询解析(QParser) http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-05/59755.htm

基于Solr 3.5搭建搜索服务器 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-05/59743.htm

Solr 3.5开发应用教程 PDF高清版 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-10/91048.htm

Solr 4.0 部署实例教程 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-10/91041.htm

  • 本文由 发表于 2019年8月11日 07:01:11
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://www.qieseo.com/296973.html
