JBoss Tools 4.2.1/JBoss Developer Studio 8.0.1发布

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维护更新版本 JBoss Tools 4.2.1 和 Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 8.0.1 发布了。

这两个版本主要是 bug 修复,也包含几个新特性:

BrowserSim and CordovaSim skins for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

Brand new IPhone 6 / 6 plus skins is now available in BrowserSim and CordovaSim

JBoss Tools 4.2.1/JBoss Developer Studio 8.0.1发布

OpenShift Explorer: Start and Stop Applications

You can now start and stop your OpenShift-hosted application within Eclipse. OpenShift tools offers start- and stop-actions in the context menu of the server adapter and the application in the OpenShift Explorer.

JBoss Tools 4.2.1/JBoss Developer Studio 8.0.1发布

Arquillian validator for not public/static deployment method

The Arquillian validator creates a marker and a quick fix if a test contains a deployment method that is not public and/or static.

JBoss Tools 4.2.1/JBoss Developer Studio 8.0.1发布

CDI auto enablement for Java EE 7 projects

CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) support is now enabled automatically for Eclipse Web Tools faceted projects if they have any Java EE 7 facet. For example if you create a project via New Dynamic Web Project Wizard and selected Web facet v.3.1 you don’t need to enable CDI support in project properties or to install CDI facet. CDI Tools will do it automatically.

Updated Forge 2 Runtime

The included Forge 2 runtime is now 2.12.3.Final.

接下来该项目主要为下一个 Eclipse Mars 版本做准备。

  • 本文由 发表于 2019年9月8日 18:32:29
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://www.qieseo.com/288565.html
