Pharo 3.0 发布,Smalltalk 开发环境

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Pharo 3.0 发布,此版本是个重大版本更新,值得关注的特性如下:

  • The new modular Opal compiler is now the default compiler used in the system.

  • The Athens vector graphics canvas is now integrated and it supports Cairo rendering on all platforms.

  • Many tools have been rewritten using Spec, a new framework for building user interfaces.

  • Versionner and Kommiter are two of the new development tools.

  • RPackage, a new package mechanism got enhanced with tags and is fully integrated in the system.

  • The debugger model was rewritten to become modular, the inspector received a bump to support multiple views, and the Nautilus code browser supports tags, search and lot more improvements.

  • Morphic has seen many cleanings and improvements and the visual theme has been revamped.

此版本关闭了 2364 个 issues(相对于 Pharo 2 是 1727 个 issues),更多内容请看 ChangeLogs 3.0。

Pharo 3.0 发布,Smalltalk 开发环境

Pharo的目标是提供一个简洁新颖的开源Smalltalk开发环境。Smalltalk被公认为历史上第二个面向对象的程序设计语言和第一个真正的集成开发环境(IDE)。Smalltalk由Alan Kay,Dan Ingalls,Ted Kaehler,Adele Goldberg等于70年代初在Xerox PARC开发。Smalltalk对其它众多的程序设计语言的产生起到了极大的推动作用,主要有:Objective-C,Actor,Java和 Ruby等。90年代的许多软件开发思想得利于Smalltalk,例如设计模式、敏捷编程和重构等。

  • 本文由 发表于 2019年7月24日 21:34:56
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