Meteor 0.8.0 发布,Web 应用构建平台

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Meteor 0.8.0 发布,此版本引入了下一代的 live 模版引擎 Blaze,修复了事件处理器返回值没被使用的问题。

Blaze 值得关注的特性如下:

  • Easy to use. Like everything else in Meteor, we designed Blaze to be developer-friendly. You just write normal looking HTML templates and helpers. You don't have to declare any dependencies or write code to manage how the screen updates: it's all automatic.

  • High performance. When your data changes, Blaze makes the smallest possible update to just the piece of the DOM that needs to change or move and batches those updates to minimize page reflows. Since most apps only update a few pieces of data at a time, this approach is more efficient than our older diffing solution.

  • Works well with others. We figured out how to make a reactive template engine be compatible with jQuery plugins and other code that also manipulates the DOM -- even the same elements defined by your templates. For example, you might use Blaze to render a changing list of items, and then a traditional library to reorder the list or manage an extra CSS class on each item.

  • Designed for today's web. Blaze is equally at home rendering SVG as it is with HTML. You can write reactive SVG right alongside your HTML, even in the same template. Or use a tool like Inkscape or Illustrator to generate SVG, and then make it dynamic by defining a handful of template helpers.

  • 本文由 发表于 2019年9月12日 05:24:07
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