JBoss Portlet Bridge 3.3.0.Beta2 发布

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JBoss Portlet Bridge 3.3.0.Beta2 发布了,值得关注的改进有:

  • Fix Client Window Id handling to enabled JSF 2.2 Flows to work
  • Fix generation of partial response that updates the entire portlet, such that the content is not replaced, only the portlet body.
  • Investigations into CDI 1.1/Weld 2.x have proven that it is no longer necessary to use the CDI Portlet Integration Library for developing CDI portlets.


完整内容请看 Release Notes .

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月10日 09:24:51
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://www.qieseo.com/281639.html
