LMDBG 1.2.0 发布,内存分配函数分析

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LMDBG 提供一组小工具用来收集和分析 malloc/realloc/memalign/free 函数调用的日志。LMDBG 不提供任何方式用来检测 malloc() 内存分配的超支分界。LMDBG 可检测内存泄漏和重复释放。LMDBG 可生成全堆栈日志。

  • lmdbg-sym no longer segfaults due to problems with stacktrace(3).
  • A much simpler and correct address conversion method was added.
  • There were significant speedups due to optimizations for gdb.
  • In lmdbg-run, GLIBC malloc hooks are no longer used.
  • lmdbg's own code is not included in stacktraces.
  • A new -N option was added, and the -v option received a minor fix.
  • lmdbg-stat received fixes for a NULL dereference that appeared if a free(3) or realloc(3) stacktrace was without an appropriate malloc/realloc(3) stacktrace.
  • There were other minor fixes and improvements, improvements in regression tests, and improvements in stacktrace(3)

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月17日 13:53:10
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://www.qieseo.com/280299.html
