分布式文件系统 MooseFS 1.6.27 发布

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Moose File System 是一个具备容错功能的网络分布式文件系统,它将数据分布在网络中的不同服务器上,MooseFS 通过 FUSE 使之看起来就是一个 Unix 的文件系统。

分布式文件系统MooseFS发布了1.6.27 2013-03-24 上个版本是2012-08-16的1.6.26

下载地址官方 http://www.moosefs.org/download.html



MooseFS 1.6.27

1.6.27 includes some new features and improvements:

  • (mfsrestore) fixed bug - freeing filenames memory too early
  • (all) added initial support for extra attributes (xattr), which will be introduced in upcoming version 1.7
  • (master+metalogger) better change log synchronization (storage in master memory and sending expected version in metalogger - inspired by Davies Liu)
  • (master) acceptable difference of percent of hdd usage added to configuration (up to this version this parameter was constantly set to 0.01% - patch contributed by Davies Liu)
  • (master) added emergency store metadata to some other places on errors during standard hourly store (inspired by Davies Liu)
  • (cs) default space to be left (256MB) moved to config file (inspired by Davies Liu)
  • (cs) added extra limits in mfshdd.cfg (minimum space to be left, maximum space to be used)
  • (cs) fixed charts overflow issue (overflow in net transfer on about 575Mbps and hdd transfer on about 77MBps)
  • (metalogger) fixed issue: file variable was not clear after close (on rare occasions might cause segfault after disconnecting from master)
  • (all) cfg files moved form PREFIX/etc/ to PREFIX/etc/mfs/
  • (cgiserv) improved CGI handle (added support for custom http responses, such as "302 Found")
  • (master+cgi) showing disconnected chunkservers in "Servers" tab.
  • (deb+rpm) mfscgiserv moved from mfscgi to separate package, changes in init scripts
  • (mount) added option 'mfsdelayedinit' - for being run from fstab/init scripts
  • (master) optimized goal management in chunks
  • (master) fixed rare race-condition on clear/preserve cache during open in mount
  • (mount) fixed compiling problems on Mac OS X
  • (all) changed code to be more compatible with new gcc 4.7 (gcc 4.7 has too strong optimizations - it can generate unpredictable code)
  • (master) sustain session time could be defined in mfsmaster.cfg

分布式文件系统 MooseFS 1.6.27 发布

MooseFS 的详细介绍:请点这里
MooseFS 的下载地址:请点这里


分布式文件系统MooseFS http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-06/62008.htm

在CentOS上安装部署MooseFS分布式文件系统 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-06/85753.htm

MooseFS分布式文件系统安装配置常见问题集 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-06/85752.htm

  • 本文由 发表于 2019年9月8日 04:18:01
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